So I put a lot of trust in this yellow pages job. It was a job that I had found on gumtree and after searching for days and only finding the tomato one and this one I was very eager to take them. The simple logic of 'a job earns you money' was in my mind and no matter how hard or how short it was still at the end of the day money in my pocket and time well spent.
But after tearing at my flesh in the heat and frustration of the tomato vines in order to gain less than minimum wage both here and probably back home I had thought that nothing could be worse... well when does anything go to plan?
This blog entry will be a blog of numbers now as you try to decide for yourself whether what I decided on was right, too silly or too lenient to the job.
Minimum wage in WA - ~ $15.50
Roughly $182 divided by roughly 5+8+6+6+5 (30) hours = ~ $6.06 per hour Tomato job
One must also consider two things, one is that Alex applied for a carpentary job for which he had quals but was instead put on manual labour and worked for 13 hours a day and getting $25 an hour which levelled him with a cool $325 a day and Matt got a job on gumtree which worked him out at $300 a day for 12 hours work (when you work after midnight here the hourly rate goes up a lot and working silly days like Christmas day can rake you on $50 an hour in some cases). So I wanted a job, that much is clear, and there were good jobs out there, that too is clear, and Matt got a job through gumtree, this is clear. What I'm saying is that initially you feel you're doing the right thing and you follow on with the same course of action because you believe it'll go somewhere good... but you have to have an open mind about these things because they can nip you in the butt.
Today I wander to Kewdale. I got the train to Oats Street station and looked for the 99 bus, which I didn't get and so instead I walked for 50 mins in the heat to get to the address and then I was only five minutes late but felt foolish especially as I had walked the last two roads without pavement because that's how they do things here. Things started to fall apart straight away as we were instructed by sign to walk across an active warehouse car park with lorries moving about without hi vis and one guy was told off for wearing sandals funnily enough. So we gained the other side and it was a mess as to what we were supposed to do so me and a few other peps just stood there... then we finally moved on to this odd introduction. Now this is also where things were fishy as in an email conversation I asked about raiding private property to place yellow pages and was told to throw it over the fence... at the induction she quite rightly told us not to do this, amongst other things like don't tackle dogs. So after being given hi vis after walking across the terror of the warehouse outside we were suddenly picked by this excited old man from Asia (I don't mean to be racist but he wasn't exactly Irish for example)... (I have nothing against the Irish either).

Something else that makes this whole thing dodgy was how we never saw the name of the company on any signs, buildings or vehicles. Something else that made this dodgy was when asked about pay the woman said she didn't know as it was not up to her. So suddenly we were being told to grab a GPS (for identifying if a house has been delivered to or not) and suddenly I'm being told I'm not allowed to do that. So it was all very messy and I just when along for the ride. Then we were in a car... and I just went along for the ride. Then we were at the first road... finally. There we found some yellow pages that had already been dropped off and after discussing what who should be doing what part of the street we split up. So I did three houses and then bam... there was this massive amount of apartments. So I went back to find out what I was supposed to do at them again and this is where a man who was with us rage quitted and after thrusting the paperwork in my hand drove off with his girlfriend in a hurry. So now there were three. It was me and two Alexs'. Something funny about these two apart from being called Alex, one was from Germany and the other had a Dutch accent as he was from South Africa and he was 15 which just made it hard to understand what to think of him... oh and he was very organised and while he did take charge he also showed his age quite a bit and I don't think he would have done everything without our help (us old guys ;). Then we tackled the apartments by ringing a random number and they let us in. We made the delivery and headed donwn Canning highway to delivery to buisnesses. I went to Hungry Jack's but because they had no number I was like wahhh. What was funny was that we dilvered to houses and buisness around the KFC but not the KFC... like it wasn't really there ~ ohh. We were told to deliver between numbers and people who had said they didn't want to be delivered to so KFC... might really have been a mirage.
Then some houses weren't really there and then we moved on up this street and delivered some more books. I tackled a 28 door apartment/house place and ran out of books so we had to wander for like 300m to get more which I then had to walk back with, we were issued no trolley, and then that's when things started to get fishy. We had been offered a fourth man, from Canada so we really were getting around the world, but we had also been offered some more information. Tina, the girl giving the induction, said that they expected people to do a map every two days and that a map was about 700 books. That works out as $70 in two days which is terrible, especially as we were expecting to receive $100 a day. But the worst part was that we had been told now that the money of $70 would be divided by however many people delivered them which would be $17.50 each for two days work. Now I don't want to sound like we're weak or anything. I don't want it to sound like I'm afraid of hard work or that I'm lazy... but after five hours of lifting and walking in the summer sun here I would like to get a little more than $10. That's is how much we would have earned if we had kept at it until four which we were told to do. Instead of that we sat down together and stared at each other in disbelief that the cokes two of them had bought was basically what they had just worked two and a half hours for.

So then we decided whether it would get better and we realised that at $2 an hour this really was the worst conceivable job ever. One person then went so far as considering that the sweat factories in mid China would pay $0.50 for an hour or $1 per hour and here we were... not even sitting down!We worked out some more things and ultimately I came to the conclusion that no matter what the work was... at $2 an hour I wouldn't even be able to pay the hostel rent for the month and also that seeing as the job would go on all day it would be better pay to sit around doing nothing for the month until the last week then get a job paying half that of Matts and bang out work then.
To put it in perspective, because I know you want it to be, it's like sitting in a petrol station and every hour standing up and serving one customer who buys a coke probably costing the company $1.50 to get there per bottle, you get $2 and the company gets $1 profit for $4.50 and then you go back to sleep or crying or whatever it is young people do these days and then repeat once every hour.... not a nice thought when you come back to the hostel and find your very tired and quite sunburnt.
Then we phoned the guy back up because no matter how angry we were we still had their GPSs and we didn't want to steal them. He arrived and we managed to miss the whole point of why we had stopped working and done little and he got angry, I said nothing because all I wanted to do was return the GPS and get out of there. He can keep his $5 for like three hours sizzling and melting, I gave him only a name and an email address and there is no way he can remember who I am so essentially all I did today was try a job and decide that it wasn't for me... for anyone in the whole world because you can't live off $2 an hour.
So there are some things to cover like how you'd make more money with a trolley and if there were only two of you but then other problems would get in the way. In order to bring a yellow pages to a house with a locked gate you have to put it in a bag and that takes time. Unless you get a book appear in your hand every time you need one you are tripling the distance and time it takes to deliver one; if you move one metre to deliver a book then move back, pick up another and then move on that same metre you will have covered three metres.
So quite simply it doesn't work out as a job and I earnt more doing a paper round, although that was only on Sunday mornings, so there is no way I could do that job and instead I must keep looking for another one but as it is I might as well start looking for geology ones now even though it is not mid Jan. It just pains me to think that once again I have no income!