Tuesday, 10 January 2012

In which Dan goes spider hunting

 It's too dangerous to wander out into the bush, especially alone. It's also too dangerous to go poking spiders with a stick... so what did I actually get up to? Well I decided to waste some time so I took the free bus up to King's Park. It was very hot this day and I later found out that it had been the second hottest day of the year... in December. Anyway, fighting the heat and downing half the water fountain I thought it would be a good lol to wander off into the city bush which is that area of the park which hasn't been built on, its just been left as it was before the city was there; bushland. It's not insane bush land with all manner of dangers, as one man once said only bad things hide under rocks and that is why AUS is full of bad things because it is under the world. I also took along a sketch book but its times like these where I remember that I'm not actually that good at drawing. Then I saw this bug:

and then I decided to go spider hunting as there were so many cobwebs. I wondered how many different types of spiders I could see in this bush land, although I did only stick to the path, which was a good idea I think. I got to see Canning Bridge from far up and away in the park. This is a bridge you'll remember from the lovely leaflet drop job that just didn't work out... you know... that giant walk I had to go on for no reason seeing as the place was right next to the bus stop.

You can see a lot of jet skis on the Swan River from up in the park

Below is a picture of a 'black boy' which has a crazily dark bark trunk and a funny head dress looking leaves top. Apparently this scared the colony people as when walking amongst them in the dark or evening would raise a certain fear.

So the first of the three spiders I counted and saw is this crazy little one. It is only a centimetre or so big but it looks quite intimidating. It's red and orange with black spikes. The cobwebs are the same as spiders back home in that the web is a hexagon and gets smaller inwards until the middle where the spider sits.

The second spider is a kind of freaky one. Opposite to the previous spider it has long legs and a small body. The head is like half a centimetre big and the legs go on for an inch at least. It was quite freaky finding these spiders because they literally just hang off the cobweb, and the cobweb has no structure. It's just like a giant net. The long legs and the fact that it dangles down on the web make this a very dangerous looking thing. Luckily it isn't very big.

This third spider is the scary one. I wanted to get a closer shot to show you how big it is but it hides out far from the path. It manages to make a giant bridge across the path at like three or four metres in the air. This cobweb really is like a giant net and there really is no structure to it. I don't know how it gets from one tree to the other because the gap is like about four or five metres. Maybe the spider attachs the web to one tree and then drops down on a line and then swings until it reaches something else to attach to and then climbs up. So this spider it about two centimetres body size but the legs make it up to palm sized or beyond. The head it black and small but the behind is white and much larger. The two giant pincers on the front make it scary to approach too so maybe its good it was far away. Plus you can never tell how fast anything here moves until it does it and you also don't know what kind of damage anything could do, except those hammer sharks, they could give you a certain whack for sure :/

Below is one of the magpies that they have here, as you can see they are nothing like the magpies back home other than the colour, they like zebras to horses. I chased this particular magpie around a tree.

Then I found the DNA tower at last. The last time I was in King's Park I was running about the park going from one side of the 2km bushland to the other along sand paths without a bottle of water (I did have water) and although I did find many things I didn't find this tower. On this trip though I did find it and I hope you like the look of it for it was a mirage to me in the heat. Nawww I'm joking but the weird thing was that because of the heat there was no one around. There was no one in either direction in sight, no one climbing the tower and no one in eye shot even after climbing the tower. This I thought was an attractive place for people to come to yet here I was without people, go figure. So a picture of the tower and a pictures from atop the tower.

and then I thought I'd show you this massive meal we ate of which I paid nothing because they bought too much, they bought a whole bag of potatoes and didn't consider keeping any so we turned them all into mass; nom.

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