away I knew I was back in AUS, the horns beeping, the engines
revving, the bad parking and the dented cars. It all made me feel...
confused :S
been sitting on a rig up north for eleven days and then I mostly flew
straight to summery Japan with all its humidity and now here I was
coming back into a cold wintery Perth... and yet, during the day the
temperature reaches to 20 and in the sun you are forced to get back
to shorts weather. Not to say it doesn't get cold. Due to the intense
heat most of the year and day, the houses in AUS are thin walled and
with open spaced rooms. This leaves houses with the same temperature
in as outside in the air, the only thing a house does is shelter from
the wind. So sitting in a room with digits below 10C and with only a
fleece for warmth I was feeling the chill. Plus its so cold that I
wear that fleece all the time and it starts to smell a bit. Something
else that bugs me is that I always wore shorts, everyday without fail
when it was summer and autumn and now I can't wear them at all, it
makes me sad.
are a few things that I need to focus on now though, now that I am
back. On the plane to Japan I realised that and came to a conclusion.
I decided that I needed to come back home early September. I'm just
not single and my thoughts lie with being back home with Lucy. If I
was a young go get kind of single bloke who wasn't looking for a long
term girlfriend then I would just bash out the AUS like, keep looking
for that elusive awesome rock smashing mumbo jumbo but the truth is
my adventure lies elsewhere and not alone. So I decided to take that
return flight that I booked way back in November which I always
thought I would change. I thought that I would change the day I came
back in order to get as much out of the year as possible, but now
I've decided to take what I've achieved as enough and start living a
life back home, oh deer the fun of getting a job in Britain. But a
few things I need to do, one of them is do something about my car. It
broke over a month ago and since then its just been sitting outside
the office where I stay looking like those old bangers in falling
apart houses, the kind where you wonder if anyone lives there. Steven
phoned a mechanic about the car and he told us that it would be
better just to look to get rid of it, but in order to do that I
needed to take my things out of it and since I've been back I've been
busy: I still haven't been able to fix my bike.
the week I was back I met up with Matt. Matt, who I met in the first
week of Perth travels, from Liverpool had returned to Perth after a
massive car journey basically all over the place. If asked whether
I'm jealous of his travels I must say that if I was going to do that
I wouldn't have tripped acid in the middle of the desert and then
walked so far from the car that I couldn't see it any more, just
saying. He came back to Perth in order to try and get his job back at
a bottle warehouse. He'd just spent the previous three months working
in a potato factory while I'd been delivering pamphlets and getting
my awesome rock washing job (it's not awesome >.<). Something
else about Matt is that his girlfriend and him are getting back
together, but that's not really anything but gossip so I'll stop :P
had happened since I was last in Perth. Steven had decided he was
bored and so had started a paper delivery service for the local free
papers and they had also started renting the house next door, as you
do. So while I was back, for which was about a week although I had
expected it to be longer, I delivered newspapers. The exciting
difference between newspapers and pamphlets is that more people are
actually interested in papers so appearing with them gives a
different reaction. The areas we deliver to are Subiaco Centro,
literally that's its name, Daglish, Gwelup and Innaloo. To start with
there weren't that many and with Steven rushing around on his scooter
we were able to finish in good time. My mind was sitting elsewhere as
I saw how long ten and actually eleven weeks is. After a little paper
delivery and getting back in sync with AUS life I went back to the
rig. When I left before I had seen no drilling in 11 days and at the
end they had pulled the BOP due to a fault. This meant that we still
had one more section to drill for JZ1-1C which we did over eight days
on the rig. After this time which didn't go quickly but it felt quick
when I left, we were sent back and travelled via helicopter to Barrow
Island, it was the super puma so that's different and they we boarded
a propeller aircraft which took us over to Karatha in half an hour
and that was especially special. At Karratha we boarded a domestic
flight and flew down to Perth, but I think because it was domestic it
took a different route and flew wide out inland over the hill country
to the back of Perth. This area is full of single houses and farms
and a few villages and living there is like living in satellite
suburbs which people call 'living in the hills'.
interesting I've heard about the east of Perth which I still haven't
checked out is that the suburbs there are much more lower middle
class, unlike the west of Perth which has those massive houses that
scare me when I deliver there.
I did in the down time I had in between the completion of the JZ1-1C
well and heading back was to grab some pizza. There are two things
that I miss while on the rig even though there is free food and what
not. 1. Pizza and 2. Chocolate. Sweets are ma ma seeing as fruit
juice is probably enough, ice cream and dessert. Due to a lack of
payment by a particular pizza place we had been handed some free
pizza vouchers and now seemed like a good a time as any to head on
over and take advantage. Some interesting things happened on that
trip though, we parked on a steep hill in a space that I'm not sure
if we were allowed to be in, and also down at the bottom of the hill
was Scarborough beach road where on one side there was a Yoga centre
and the other there was an internet cafe. I couldn't help but see
that it appeared to me to be two different types of people in each,
jocks and geeks but I digress.
room that I'd been staying in for the past two or so weeks was not
really mine, it was a temporary hold in between rig being on. As the
Pamphlteers have grown bigger and expanded into the house next door
and into a whole new business there were going to hire a guy to
manage something and he was going to have that room up there. In
order to prepare the bare room for this I was asked to get a chair a
desk and a bed... without spending money o_o. Ok so its not as scary
as some intense task from 'The Apprentice' but its still something
far removed from life back home. Here in Perth the city is sprawled
about and the houses have large areas of grass before the road. This
is sometimes used to park cars or for a pavement or a tree but during
collection when the council comes round and collects up all the
rubbish people have collected instead of letting them take it to a
skip there are many a pile of stuffs outside peoples houses. This
stuffs is then up for grabs, seeing as its waste anyway people have a
kind of balance with the world in which you can grab it if you fancy
it. Seeing as people love to have the latest stuffs the things they
leave outside tend to be in perfect working order but older and used.
as I deliver newspapers I had to be on the hunt for random junk
beside the road. During this period the area soon to be collected for
was Karrinyup which is none too far away at all from the house. I was
sceptical but on going for a purpose mooch for shizzle I did find
some things and it got me excited about this aspect of AUS life. I
saw a little push pedal go kart I wanted to nab and roll down a high,
but over the hill I then saw a nice desk, in fact three desks. Like
something out of Goldilocks they sat there being perfect and I took
the middle one. Although I couldn't do it alone so I asked Sun to
help me, and while we were there he grabbed a chair also and a man
rolled a very new looking chair down as well and we got a hold of
that too. The desk was so long that it stuck out of the rear of the
car and we couldn't close the door. It was my first time driving a
car with any kind of odd thing going on in the back. There is a
chance that I could drive the car with a trailer on the back, either
way I was being careful and there were some odd noises.
Haha in england we'd all want some money for our stuff, (the other option is people take it then sell it themselves) that's pretty cool you can do that. You should move out there with Lucy when you can if you don't like Britain i'll have an excuse to go there then :p