Saturday, 18 February 2012

In which Dan becomes the Flash.

You know that super hero, the one that should definitely have had a film made about by now... that would be so awesome. His costume may be tight but its still awesome and his super power is just the most awesome thing ever. Talking of super heros, in my view super heros are like competing foot soldiers, some have slightly bigger rifles, more pockets than others (batman) maybe a little stronger (captain america) or more high tech (iron man) but this makes superman a tank and thats no fair.

Okay so I didn't actually become the Flash and that is not the point of this blog entry. I got a job however and this was good news. How it happened... well quite basically I was just loitering around wasting the day as I have been doing all this time. I'm waiting for a job that comes my way but I get told different things about how long I have to wait but I think I should just wait until March now, I know that's a long time but I have to, simply. So I anyway I was wasting time and money and I could ignore the call of the empty wallet no longer so I knew I had to get a job. I was feeling that there have been no jobs, on gumtree or advertised and so I, for my sins, had given up over Christmas... but now things had changed. I was checking online and finding out that there were a lot more jobs than before and so I quickly saw that I could start applying for some. I saw this ideal job that was basically a courier job. I tried ringing them twice, on two different days but got no reply. One has to admit that when I know I need to do something I do get on and do it!

Then I saw it... a leaflet delivery job... Now we all know where this is going. Go back a few blog entries and you will see that I've been down this road before and you will be wondering where I'm going this time... well. I was brought in my the image, this ad had an image and I started thinking that maybe it was a proper business and with that I sent an email, and then I saw another one and rang them... I got through to Steven... who was in an interview which made me question why it had said 'please ring...' anyway I rang the other person and he set up an interview for the next day at 11. So I was encouraged by the progress and decided things were good... but I was still confident because things were progressing. I found the place on google maps and let me tell you... there are some hard to reach places and this is one of those. I drove up a highway, straight forward enough but then I got to this dual carriageway with a central reservation I couldn't cross. Then I got confused by the U-turn system here and then when I got on the road I had to try and read the house numbers while whizzing by at 70kph, it took me two attempts and even then I was guessing.

The interview went well, its a structured job, they deliver pamphlets and the work won't end any time soon so I finally have a stable job. Now... the first day I got the job I didn't want to go back and sit around not doing anything when I could start work... but it was the middle of the day now and we were having the first of our five 40+ days. So I went to work :/

It was my own choice but I probably shouldn't have. I wanted to try the job out though so I got on with it, it took a while. I was basically a living waterfall and I was learning about all the potholes with the letterbox systems in this country. I could tell you all about them. The letterboxes are on the street not on the house door. They tend not to have a flap you push back but a rectangular slit you push the mail up into which then falls down into a box, these mail boxes can be quite imaginative, including a a rock, a miniature light house, an old kettle, a barrel and today a cylinder with pig ears. Some letterboxes look like electrical boxes so that's no good. Some boxes are really small and some are completely covered by ivry. Some are along walls nowhere near the main gate, this raises questions with me. Some boxes are in the middle of the lawn and I'm still not used to walking across grass as if its the normal type of path.

Any I could go on, I really could, but I'll not bore you to death. I must talk about what the job means. It means I can stay in AUS and live, I was running low on funds, and it also means I can use my car, something that has been bugging me since I bought it, why did I buy it? The fact that I needed to have the car to get the job means it was important that I bought it. The job is fun even if you don't believe me. I get to work to my own pace, I'm outdoors in the air even if it is really hot but I can start however early in the morning I like which means I can beat some of the sun. I get to move around and see the suburbs, which is really fun as I like knowing about all the intricate hide away details of a place, it feels like I'm really submerged in the place. Something that also happens when you get this submerged is the funneh stories I can tell. My camera by now has run out of batteries and I'm in the heated debate over whether or not to buy a new recharger (whether I have the monies) I have the stories of the pictures I've taken so far. I also get to go out and visit the shopping centres they have here which replace the massive Tescos, ASDA or Sainsbury's back home with smaller supermarkets and have more specialist shops.

I later found that most of my walking consisted of walking along concrete to the next house and if there is a restriction on junk mail I'd have to keep on going which is basically a waste of time and steps which adds up if you do it all day and every day. So on my day off I checked gumtree and the next day headed down Canning Highway and found another tucked away place to buy a kids' scooter with which to roll between houses. Now this was a seriously great idea. It bumped up my rate of hourly work from about $11 to $14 for 10 cents per leaflet (the lowest I've worked). This is very close to minimum wage and while I know you could say I should be earning more, I don't need to. There are other jobs, like Delaware who got a job doing a bikini car wash and got $250 in four hours but truth be told I just look horrible in a bikini. There are other jobs like walking sales and fund raising but these are hated by people and they tend to quit but I like what I do so it works out for the best if I need to keep this up which I do. The only problem is that obsessive exercise in the heat with one meal a day makes things a little hard to keep on working at and I do get tired, but really I'm just wasting time so this isn't a life long plan to destroy myself :p

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